This guide was developed to aid in your creation of your very own food forest. The guidelines set forth in this document will assist you in the step by step creation of your own food forest. It does not matter if you choose to create a small forest at home or a large-scale community project, this guide is here to help. View Resource»
La Crosse Community Garden Toolkit
This comprehensive guide covers topics such as selecting a site, establishing a garden committee, securing funding, and building your garden. View Resource »
Growing School Gardens: Annie’s How-to Guide for Five Kinds of Children’s Gardens
This guide offers five examples of different gardens—from simple to complex—that can flourish at schools and other learning environments with the hope that at least one of these examples will fuel your motivation to garden with kids: windowsill gardens, vertical gardens, raised beds/container gardens, cold frames/tunnels/greenhouses, and large-scale gardens. View Resource »
Top 12 Must-Have Herbs To Grow In Your Kitchen Garden
Herbs are a great way to get started. They can be grown in the classroom or outside and they make for fun taste and smell tests. Some of these herbs can be harvested, dried and stored. Others produce seeds that can be used as an additional spice. View Resource »
Growing Plants Indoors, On Balconies, and for Seniors & Those With Special Needs
This handy reference tool will help you plan your garden and will server as a reminder that even the most experienced gardener has some plants die off, so don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. View Resource »